
I'm not a patient person.
Yes, that is a flaw. I own up to my flaws, even if I am working to change them, I accept what they are. But sometimes I need to learn to trust that things will work out. That if I am willing to do the work and put forth the effort, things will fall into place.
Since my pool season ended, as I knew it would, I began looking months ago for part time employment, all the time hearing nothing back from anywhere. It was discouraging and frustrating, but I kept doing the work. I filled out applications, sent in resumes, then when the pool actually closed, panicked a little.
But sometimes timing is so poetic.

On my last payday from the pool, I got a phone call for an interview.

I went to that interview today, I was hired in the room.

I start my new job, which sounds wonderful, has good hours, and even a mostly set schedule, on Wednesday. As in, two days from now. Which means I was officially out of work for 13 days.

I'm choosing to believe there is a reason things happened the way they did. That I needed those 13 days as a break from working because I had worked so many hours this summer. That God knew what he was doing as I worked on my applications and LinkedIn account. And now I can stop panicking, and trust that there was no reason to panic in the first place, just to work diligently and learn to trust.



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