Ol' Kentucky Home, New Shoe Woes and Painted Ladies [August Learning]
We all know how this post will start: how in the month of August did I demand more? What did I learn about not accepting crap?
I stopped worrying about what someone else would think. Not all the time, and it's something I need to keep learning, but I stopped letting someone else's opinion stop me from doing what I wanted.
For years I've wanted to have a 1920's party, but I never did because I didn't want people to look at me funny for asking all my friends to dress up like flappers and enjoy 1920's cuisine and drinks.
I tried to stop worrying about what everyone else wanted from me. Does it matter if someone thinks I spend too much time introverting? No, it really doesn't.
Now onto my regularly scheduled monthly learning.
1.) Don't wear new shoes to an Indians Game.
I got new Sperry's, and was so excited I wore them to the Cleveland Indians game the next day, on a humid night walking all over the stadium and downtown. I had blisters. Really big, really painful, really bloody blisters that took over two weeks to heal. Lesson learned? Break in your shoes before wearing them on a downtown night out.
2.) Kentucky is still home.
Jace and I took a road trip to our beloved Berea the last weekend in July/beginning of August. It was so good for both of our hearts to spend a weekend at home, because we left behind a family there. By blood, our family is here, but blood is not the only thing that makes a family, and a huge part of our family resides in that little Kentucky town outside the mountains.
3.) Watching caterpillars turn to butterflies is amazing: whether you're 4 or an adult.

4.) Nathan looks pretty cute dressed up in 1920's garb.
He even learned how to tie a bow tie for the event!
5.) Hot glue can actually melt off a layer of skin.
In preparing the cupcake toppers for our 1920's gathering, the hot glue gun dripped glue onto the surface I was working on, and I ended up with it on my finger. As I immediately tried to get it off, I noticed that skin was going with it. Not a good experience guys, I'd highly recommend avoiding it at all costs.
6.) To have a successful link up, you need an interesting topic.
I tried again this month to start a linkup, telling myself I would be okay without anyone joining because this will be an ongoing series that is for me. And guess what: someone else linked up! Success! What's fun about it for me? Now I can see what other friends and bloggers are obsessed with listening to and watching on Netflix, which is very helpful for that "What should I watch now" experience.
What did you learn in August? Share by linking up with Emily over at Chatting at the Sky!
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