Baby Birthday Weekend!

This weekend was AMAZING.
Truly, I am so grateful to God for the life I have. Friday night Lindsay and Bethany arrived (about one in the morning...) and it was so good to catch up with friends. Honestly, we have been friends for over half my life now: since around age 10 and we're 23 now.

Saturday morning we got up and they helped me do everything to set up for Jace's party! I'm not sure I could have done it all without them (thank you thank you to both of you again!). We set up all the decorations, prepped food, and hung up pictures from our shoot with Ray. Jace had so much fun at his party, and we had everyone that came sign a cute collage for him.

Jace was adorable opening his gifts, the only problem was taking a gift away to give him a new one to open. But he definitely had fun, and crawled all over playing with everyone. And I was amazed at how many people came to celebrate! Jace had his friends Tyler and Clay (both 3 weeks away from him in age), and then many of Nathan and I's friends came to help celebrate. Even better was that everyone genuinely seemed to enjoy themselves as they snacked on kiddy food and complimented the Finding Nemo decor that had taken over the downstairs.

Then today we got up and went to church where Renny gave the sermon today because Pastor Tim was out of town, and it was a really thought-provoking message. He asked us to think about who was dearest to us, and to me that is Jace. Then he told us to consider sacrificing that person to save a stranger. If I am honest with myself, I could not do it. Sacrifice myself for those I love: yes. For Jace especially I wouldn't think twice. But to sacrifice that sweet baby? I could not do it. Yet that is was Jesus was, He was the Son and it really made me think about my relationship with God.

Afterwards we all went up to Lexington to Saul Good for a mouth-watering lunch. Nathan and I consider it a favorite restaurant, and Lindsay and Bethany were both impressed too. I had chicken and waffles (yay Southern food!) and everyone had to try it. Then we got desserts to split: a half-baked cookie sundae and chocolate fondue. It was all perfect and we left extremely full and happy.
Then it was off to Half Price Books where we all found a few new treasures. I picked up a couple books and discs to work on learning Arabic (hopefully it won't be too long till I can check that off the bucket list!), and the newest book by Mitch Albom: The Time Keeper.
Since I so loved the five people you meet in heaven, I'm hoping to be inspired as I read it. Lindsay found a leather-bound copy of Lewis Carrol's works, and Bethany picked up a book for another friend.

Saying goodbye to them was hard, the weekend did not feel like nearly enough time. But I know I will see them again soon, and that even if it's not for awhile, nothing will change between us. We have been friends for 13 years, and will stay that way for the remainder of time. And I'm so thankful for them and for their encouragement and support. They are the friends that tell me I am a good mom, support my choices, and tell me the truth when I need to hear it. What more could you want in a friend?

I hope your weekend was spent enjoying time, hopefully with some good friends!



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